The Atlantic Hurricane Season officially starts on June 1 and ends November 30. Although hurricanes can occur outside of these dates, over 97% of hurricane and tropical storm activity happens during this time frame.

Before The Storm
Plan Ahead
Have a plan for what could happen if you lose your home after a storm. If safety officials advise you to evacuate, please do so immediately.
Each year prior to hurricane season, your family should review your existing strategy and make changes as necessary. Your hurricane strategy should include evacuation plans, such as where your family and pets will go, what route to take, when to leave and what supplies are necessary. Supplies should last for at least one week.
Click here to access City of Quitman's Facebook Page. City Hall will update Facebook and the Website prior to, during, and after the storm.
Emergency Supply Kit
- Visit for a list of items to include in your emergency supply kit.
- Click here for a printable checklist.
Post-Storm Safety Tips
Safety is the number one priority after any storm. Be careful in areas with damage, flooding and power outages.
- Use generators safely – keep them outside and far away from your home (video below).
- Avoid wading or driving through floodwaters inside, outside and around your home.
- Clean up safely – wear protective clothing and gear, use a mask and ask for help moving heavy debris.
Find more post-storm safety tips on
Additional Resources
Listed below are some resources to help you and your family prepare for safety in a hurricane.
- American Red Cross
- FEMA Hurricane Preparedness Toolkit
- National Flood Insurance Program
- National Hurricane Center
- National Weather Service Hurricane Preparedness Week Information